Làm thế nào để học tốt IELTS Speaking? Speaking cơ bản cũng như các môn khác, vì thế trình độ IELTS có lên được hay không là do luyện tập nhiều. Bên cạnh đó, luyện IELTS Speaking trong thời gian ngắn thì tốt nhất là bạn nên tập trung vào từ vựng cho những topic phổ biến và đặc biệt là các từ vựng học thuật thường được sử dụng thường xuyên cho IELTS. Khi bạn kiên trì học mỗi ngày một ít thì chắc chắn sẽ hiệu quả và qua nhiều ngày trình độ các bạn sẽ cải thiện đáng kể. Chính vì lí do đó, hôm nay cô Linh sẽ giới thiệu những từ vựng học thuật IELTS giúp các bạn trở nên thật “khác biệt” và cũng là nền tảng để nâng cao band điểm đấy nhé. Các bạn nhớ note lại và học hành chăm chỉ nhé.

Từ vựng IELTS
Ongoing assessment: (đánh giá liên tục) evaluation of a student’s progress based on his/ her performance throughout the whole course- not based on one single test or exam
Ex: Ongoing assessment has become quite popular lately. Learners like the idea of getting constant feedback.
To be poor at something/not to be good at something (không giỏi ở 1 lĩnh vực nào đó)
Ex: I was so poor at Mathematics at school, I always had to take extra lessons with a private tutor.
Certificate: Giấy chứng nhận: a document that shows that an educational program has been completed
Ex: To get an IELTS language certificate, you have to take the test.
Diploma: Bằng cấp the document received at the end of secondary school or graduate/ professional school or an academic award
Ex: When we received our diplomas at the high school graduation ceremony, everybody threw their hats in the air.
Degree: Bằng cấp: a rank given to someone after completing his/her university or college studies
Ex: Candidates with a business degree are more likely to get this job.
Correspondence course: Khóa học tương ứng: distance learning- you don’t have to go to the school in person, materials and assignments are sent by post or via e-mail
Ex: I followed a correspondence course in Child Psychology when I was living in Paris.
Grant = scholarship: học bổng: money given to students by the government to finance their further or higher education
Ex: If I don’t get the grant, I’ll have to find a part-time job, possibly in a restaurant. I wouldn’t like that.
Fee: học phí: payment given for professional services, for example medical treatment or teaching
Ex: I dropped out of school, because my parents couldn’t pay the fees.
Tuition: hướng dẫn, dạy học: instruction, teaching
Ex: If tuition fees keep rising, I’ll have to give up studying.
With flying colours: Điểm cao, thành quả cao: with great success
Ex:I’m sure you’ll pass the exam with flying colours. You’ve studied a lot.
To resit an exam: Thi lại: to sit an exam again
Ex: If you want to get a better IELTS score, you can resit the test anytime.
Perk = fringe benefit: lợi ích: Extra benefits given to employees besides their salary, for example, use of company car or mobile phone
Ex: The only perk I have is free parking in our basement. I wish I had a better job with a multinational company.
Promotion: thăng tiến : getting a higher ranking position at a workplace
Ex: I’ve just got a promotion: I’ve been promoted to Key Account Manager. Let’s go out and celebrate! I’ll buy everyone a drink.
Job satisfaction: hài lòng với công việc: it means how happy you are with the way things are at your workplace
Ex: I’ve been asked to fill out a job satisfaction survey. I’m not sure what to write. I don’t want to offend my bosses.
Employee job satisfaction may give a real boost to productivity. Employers must realize that.
Rewarding (adj.): sự đền đáp: something that makes you feel satisfied and happy
Ex: Teaching is such a rewarding job. I love the look on my students’ face when they get good grades.
Health insurance contribution: đóng góp bảo hiểm y tế:money that you or your employers pay to the state every month to cover your public health care costs
Ex: Your health insurance contribution is automatically deducted from your salary if you are employed full time.
Be made redundant: bị thừa thải:be dismissed from work, because you’re no longer needed
Ex:My company downsized last year and I was made redundant.
Workaholic: người yêu công việc:a person who has a strong desire to work and doesn’t like doing other things
Ex:My friends think I’m a workaholic, just because I often work late hours.
To be in charge of…: chịu trách nhiệm về:supervising/ controlling/ commanding
Ex: I’m in charge of a group of ten people in my department.
To deal with…: thỏa thuận, giải quyết:to handle/ to have to do with
Ex: I have good communication skills. I deal with customers on a daily basis.
To involve: liên quan: to contain/ to include
Ex:My job involves travel. I love it, because I get to see new places and to meet new people.
Discrimination: phân biệt chủng tộc: treating people as inferior because of their race, gender, religion, age etc.
Ex: Sexual discrimination in the workplace is illegal, however, it’s always the women who are asked to make coffee for meetings.
Protest = riot: phản đối
Ex:People gathering in a public place to show that they disagree with something the government has done
Poverty-stricken (adj.): nghèo đói:to describe places or people that are extremely poor
Ex: The Prime Minister visited the poverty-stricken areas of the country.
Crime-infested (adj.): nơi bị nhiễm khuẩn: to describe a place where crime rates are very high
Ex: I grew up in a crime-infested ghetto, but I managed to stay out of trouble.
Beggar: người ăn xin: a person who asks people in the street to give him/ her some money
Ex: They say you shouldn’t give change to beggars. They will never get a job if they can make enough money begging.
Famine: nạn đói: when a lot of people starve/ don’t have enough food to eat, we call it a famine
Ex” The famine in Ethiopia shocked the whole world and a lot of charities raised money to send food to the country.
Epidemic: dịch bệnh:when a serious disease spreads very quickly and a lot of people catch it, we call it an epidemic
Ex: There’s usually a seasonal flu epidemic every winter in my country.
Flood: lũ lụt: water overflowing land that is usually dry
Ex: I wouldn’t build a house on the river bank. There are floods there every spring.
Drought: hạn hán:a long period of dry weather with no rain at all
Ex: Plants need to store water to survive summer droughts.
Global warming: sự ấm lên toàn cầu:a gradual increase in the temperature on our planet
Ex: Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. It is causing natural disasters, for example floods, tidal waves and hurricanes.
To give something a boost: nỗ lực:To increase or raise something, to make something bigger and better
Ex: It takes more than an apple a day to boost your immune system.
Vulnerable: tổn thương:easily hurt physically or emotionally
Ex: The elderly are particularly vulnerable in winter to the effects of cold, wet weather.
To be prone to: xu hướng: to have a tendency/ when you’re prone to something, the chances are high that it will happen to you
Ex:Overweight people are more prone to diabetes than thin ones.
Sedentary lifestyle: lối sống thụ động:lifestyle with no physical activity
Ex: People who live a sedentary lifestyle are called couch potatoes.
Cut down on: giảm thiểu:to reduce the amount of intake
Ex: If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to cut down on fatty food.
Nervous breakdown: suy nhược thần kinh: a serious mental illness stopping people from living normally, often in the form of depression, insomnia and anxiety
Ex:If you don’t find a way to de-stress, you’ll end up having a nervous breakdown.
Alternative medicine: lều thuốc thay thế:healthcare practice that doesn’t use traditional drugs and treatments
Ex:I don’t believe in alternative medicine. I once went to a chiropractor and he nearly broke my neck.
Plastic surgery: phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ: operation to reshape, remodel or resize body parts
Ex: Britney Spears must have had a couple of plastic surgeries. She looks younger now than ten years ago.
Sick leave: nghỉ ốm:paid absence from work
Ex:My bosses weren’t very happy when I had to go on sick leave.
Common cold: cảm lạnh thông thường: a mild infection with symptoms like sneezing, coughing, runny nose and temperature
Ex: Adults have the common cold two or three times a year on average.
Flu = influenza: cảm cúm: viral infection with severe symptoms like high temperature, muscle pain and fatigue
Ex: You shouldn’t go to work if you have the flu. It’s contagious and others will catch it too.
Pneumonia: viêm phổi: severe inflammation of the lungs resulting in the air sacks being filled with liquid
Ex: I spent two weeks in hospital when I had pneumonia. My back hurt so much, I will never forget those two weeks.
Cancer: ung thư: an extremely serious disease typically with tumors in different parts of the body
Ex: Smoking might cause lung cancer.
Childhood diseases: bệnh của trể nhỏ: illnesses typically caught in childhood, e.g. Mumps, Chicken pox, Measles
Ex: Every child should be vaccinated against childhood diseases.
Tabloid: báo lá cải: a small size newspaper with lots of photographs, gossip and sensational material
Ex: I only read tabloids when I go to the hairdresser’s. There are always some on the table in the waiting area.
Libel: phỉ báng: untrue information that is published and damages someone’s reputation
Ex: Internet libel should be taken more seriously. People are allowed to say whatever they want about anyone these days.
Broadsheet: bảng tính: a newspaper that’s bigger than a tabloid with fewer photographs and more factual articles
Ex: I used to read broadsheets, but nowadays I just get the news from the TV or the Internet.
Censorship: kiểm duyệt: the act of deleting or editing press and media information to control what is being published
Ex: In my country, media censorship laws have remained the same in the past ten years. I think it’s time for a change.
Broadcast: phát sóng: transmission of a radio or television program
Ex: Films should be broadcast in their original language. It would help language learners tremendously.
Forecast: dự đoán: calculation or prediction of what is going to happen regarding, for example, changes in the weather or the economy
Ex: A 20-day weather forecast is available on the website. I usually check it before planning an outdoor event.
Coverage: phủ sóng: the reporting or broadcasting of events
Ex: Nowadays, you can see live coverage of just about everything: births, deaths, wars, natural disasters, celebrations.
The coverage of the last Olympic Games was fantastic. I was glued to the screen for days.
Amusement park = funfair: công viên giải trí: a large park where you can play games, go on fantastic rides and have fun with friends
Ex: I went on so many rides in the amusement park that I got dizzy and had to lie down on the ground.
Slot machine: Máy đánh bạc: a coin operated machine to play gambling games
Ex:I got change for twenty dollars and played the slot machines for hours.
Roller coaster: an elevated railway with small, open passenger cars that goes up and down at a high speed
Ex: We had a great laugh when we looked at the photos my friend took on the roller coaster.
To take up: học điều mới: to start doing a new sport, hobby or start learning something new
Ex: My mother thought my father was getting too fat, so he took up golf when he retired.
Pottery: đồ gốm: vase, pots, plates etc. made of clay/ the craft of making pottery
Ex: Making pottery is such a creative activity. I’ve made vases for everyone in the family.
I’ve tried to take my husband to some pottery classes with me, but he always went to the pub instead.
Knitting: đan:making sweaters, gloves, scarves etc using two long needles and yarn
Ex: My grandma loves knitting, so everyone in the family has matching knitted sweaters and hats.
To mow the lawn: Cắt cỏ:to cut the grass in the garden with a lawn mower
Ex: My neighbours always mow the lawn on Sunday evenings.
Sitcom = situation comedy:Humorous television series based on every day life situations
Ex: My niece loves having sitcom marathons with her friends at weekends.
City dweller: công dân:someone who lives in a city
I’m a city dweller. I have no idea how to milk a cow.
Hiking: leo núi:the activity of going for long, hard walks in the mountains
Ex: The last time I went hiking, I sprained my ankle. I don’t think I’ll ever do it again.
Scenery = landscape: cảnh vật:the view of natural features e.g. mountains, hills or rivers/ *scenery may also mean accessories on a theatre stage
Ex:The scenery was so breathtaking, I had to stop every two minutes to take a photo.
Atmosphere = ambiance: không khí: the dominant mood of a place
Ex: I love going to our local pub, because of its familiar atmosphere.
Rowing machine: mái chèo: a fitness device that simulates rowing as in a boat
Ex: When I go to the gym, I usually use the rowing machine to work the muscles in my arms and legs.
Exercise bike: đạp xe:a fitness device that simulates cycling as on a bicycle
Crash helmet: mũ bảo hiểm: protective headwear worn by cyclists and motorcyclists
Ex: You can’t give me a lift on your motorbike. I haven’t got my crash helmet with me.
Knee pads: miếng đệm đầu gối: protective garnment worn by cyclists, football players or skaters on their knee
Ex: My son’s taken up football. I must go and buy a pair of football boots and knee padsfor him.
Extreme sports = adventure sports: môn thể thao nguy hiểm:paragliding/ hang gliding/ white water rafting/ snowboarding/ skydiving/ cave diving
Ex: I’d love to go white water rafting with you, but I’m afraid I’m having my hair cut that day.
Mass tourism: du lịch đại trà: we talk about mass tourism when a lot of people visit one place
Ex: Mass tourism is destroying our churches. I don’t think we should let so many people visit them.
Culture shock: shock văn hóa: a strong and upsetting feeling we get when suddenly faced with an unfamiliar culture
Ex: When I first arrived in London, nobody helped me to get over the culture shock. It took me months to get used to their way of life.
Currency: tiền tệ: money/ medium of exchange: Lira used to be the currency of Italy, before they introduced the euro.
Ex: We use kisses as currency at home. When my daughter wants something, she can always pay with a kiss.
In advance: trước cái gì đấy: before something, ahead of time
Ex: If you want to buy cheap airline tickets, it’s best to book in advance.
We never plan our holidays in advance. We just pack our suitcases and take the first flight available at the airport.
Make a complaint: phàn nàn: to tell the staff or manager that you’re not happy with the service you received
Ex: Somebody used our bathroom while we were out, so we had to make a complaintat the reception.
It’s so embarrassing to go out with my father-in-law. Whenever we’re in a restaurant he demands to see the manager and make a complaint.
To embark on: bắt tay vào: to set out on a journey, to begin a journey
Ex: Make sure you have made all the necessary arrangements before you embark on your world tour.
When my son was born, I embarked on the most beautiful journey of my life.
B&B = Bed and Breakfast: nhà riêng:a private house that provides accommodation and breakfast to guests
Ex: I love staying in B&Bs when travelling in the country. The atmosphere is familiar and the food is usually delicious.
My husband and I would like to run a B&B, but we don’t have enough spare rooms.
To raise = to bring up: nuôi dưỡng:to care for children until they grow up
Ex:I was raised in a small town. I wasn’t raised in the jungle.
Raising children is a huge responsibility.
Childhood: tuổi thơ:the period of life when you are a child
Ex: My childhood was happy and carefree. I used to chase butterflies all day.
I’m quite sure Charles Manson didn’t have a happy childhood. (he was a serial killer)
Adolescence = teenage years (syn: puberty ): vị thành niên
the period of life between childhood and adulthood
Ex: A large part of my adolescence was spent with partying and avoiding responsibilities.
My grandmother guided me through the turbulent waters of adolescence.
To play truant = to skive off: trốn học:to be absent from school without permission
I used to play truant and spend the whole time with my friends in the arcades.
I would give a prison sentence to parents who let their children play truant.
juvenile delinquency: tội phạm vị thành niên
Neglected (adj.) bị bỏ rơi: not looked after, not getting any attention
Ex: Neglected teenagers seek attention and will do anything to get it.
My wife feels neglected, so I’ve taken her out to a fast food restaurant.
Nuclear family: gia đình hạt nhân: the smallest family unit: mother, father and children
(opposite: extended family
Ex:Nowadays most people live in nuclear families.
Living in nuclear families means we don’t get to listen to our grandparents’ stories.
To get on well with somebody: thân thiết:to have a good relationship with somebody
When we were children, my sister and I didn’t get on very well. We used to pull each other’s pony-tails.
I wish I could get on well with my mother-in-law, but she’s a real witch.
Relative: họ hàng:a person who is related to you by blood or marriage
Ex: I think my relatives hate me. I never get any Christmas presents.
You can choose your friends, but can’t choose your relatives.
In-laws: theo luật:members of your wife’s or husband’s family
Ex:I hate the idea of spending the holidays with my in-laws.
I never know what to buy for my in-laws for Christmas.
red-letter day: thư quan trọng: any day that’s significant and memorable to you for a reason
Ex: It was a red-letter day when my son finally learnt how to tie his shoelaces.
If I pass my exam, that’ll be a red-letter day.
Stepparent, stepmother, stepfather: cha mẹ kê: new wives or husbands of your biological parents
First, I hated the idea of moving in with my stepfather, but then it wasn’t so bad.
Cinderella used to live with a wicked stepmother and two stepsisters.
Stepfamily = blended family: gia đình nhiều thế hệ: a family where either one or both parents have children from previous relationships
Ex: Living in a stepfamily never really bothered me. I could visit my father as often as I wanted.
Blending families to create stepfamilies is a difficult process.
Siblings = brothers or sisters: anh chị em ruột: individuals sharing the same father or mother
Ex: As an only-child, I’ve always wanted to have siblings.
Children growing up with no siblings are often spoilt.
To allow = permit = let: cho phép: to give your permission to someone to do something
Ex: My biological father always allowed me to eat ice-cream before dinner.
Minors shouldn’t be allowed to buy alcohol.
Quality time: thời gian chất lượng: time when you dedicate yourself to only one person or activity
Ex: My mother and I didn’t spend enough quality time together. She always had to work.
Spending quality time with your children is more important than making a lot of money.
To take after somebody: chăm nom:to be/resemble someone in appearance or characte
Ex: I take after my mother. I have the same green eyes.
Children often take after one of their grandparents.
Overprotective (adj.): bảo vệ quá mức :wanting to protect someone too much
Ex: My mum used to be overprotective when I was a child. She never let me go to the playground on my own (alone).
Strict (adj.): nghiêm khắc: wanting order and discipline all the time, opposite = lenient, forgiving
Ex: My mother was very strict. If I was just ten minutes late, she grounded me for a week.
Grounded = not allowed to leave the house
Ex:Strict teachers are often more popular than lenient ones, because they don’t let misbehaved children interfere with their teaching.
Foster family: gia đình có con nuôi: children living with guardians who are neither their natural nor their adoptive parents
Ex: My friend, Jack, lived with at least five different foster families as a child. He was quite troublesome.
Foster families can change a child’s life for the better.
Học từ vựng học thuật luôn luôn là một yếu tố tiên quyết khi các bạn quyết định đến với IELTS. Hơn nữa, Cô Linh bật mí cho các bạn một điều này nhé, các từ vựng thông thường có thể trở thành academic word được đấy. Để biết cách, các bạn hãy xem ngay bài viết “Phù phép” các từ thông dụng nhất thành academic word band 7.5+” của cô thì sẽ biết cô nói đúng hay sai liền nha!
Chúc các bạn học thật tốt và thành công nhé.
Trần Tố Linh