Bắt đầu từ hôm nay cô sẽ chia sẻ cho các bạn những idea mà cô tổng hợp được cho những chủ đề phổ biến hoặc khá “khó nhai”, để hỗ trợ cho các bạn luyện tập writing task 2. Chẳng hạn như topic space exploration, cô thấy có rất nhiều bạn bó tay trước topic này , mà không có main idea làm nền thì rất khó phát triển được 1 essay hoàn chỉnh và đúng yêu cầu.
Trong bài viết cô còn highlight những collocation của từng chủ đề để các bạn có thể take note lại. Các bạn nhớ cất kỹ bộ bí kíp này nha, nhỡ đâu khi thi thì gặp đề liên quan thì sao.
Hãy theo dõi page của cô thường xuyên để cập nhật các bài viết tổng hợp idea tiếp theo nhé.

Topic | For | Against |
Internet | 1. The internet allows established companies as well as independent creative people to expand their business to global markets.
2. The internet makes it easier for consumers to compare the prices and the quality of different companies’ product. 3. The internet allows people to work from home, to hold international meetings without being in the same room -> save money and time. 4. The internet provides a cheap and wide-reaching platform for people using it to share and distribute their creative work such as images, videos and audios. 5. The internet enables people to share their opinion, petitions and unofficially supervise the policies of the government. 6. The internet brings humankind closer together despite the barrier of geography. 7. The internet becomes the most powerful source of information which is updated every day. |
8. The quality of the information online can’t always be trustworthy and sometime it can be harmful if people base on it.
9. Some websites ask users to fill in information which can be sold to other sites for commercial purposes and pose a threat on internet users’ private information. 10. Hackers can steal users’ data and commit crimes such as stealing identity, bank accounts, business secrets,… and even the secrets of the government. 11. Once anything is posted online, it’s almost impossible to erase it completely from the internet. 12. Large amount of information which could be violent, criminal, offensive and discriminatory if it were available to the general public and it’s easily accessible for anyone around the world. 13. Cyber-bullying is a problematic issue.
Advertising | 14. It levels the chance to expose the products between well-known brands and new brands.
15. It helps consumers decide which kind of goods they should buy based on the prices, the features and the quality which have been represented in the commercials. 16. Advertisements promote healthy activities, products and lifestyles and make an effort to restrict the unhealthy products such as cigarette and alcohol. 17. The money investing in advertisements contributes a great deal to the society such as supporting sport industry, free videos made by Youtubers, free news websites,…
18. There are advertisements everywhere in people’s daily life especially people who live in big cities and it starts to get annoying.
19. Consumers can be in the situation of choice overload which means there are too many types of products that they don’t know which to buy. 20. Advertisements can be untrustworthy, they raise the expectations about some product and it end up not true. 21. Commercials by targeting people’s unconscious thoughts are a form of brainwashing that take away people’s freedoms to make choices. 22. Many young people who don’t have confidence in their appearance believe that if they buy the products they can be more attractive like the models in adverts. 23. Adverts gives the impression that people, especially children, should have everything they want.
Nuclear weapons | 24. Maintaining an effective nuclear arsenal helps prevent war.
25. A strategic deterrent (nuclear weapons plan) discourages conflict. Examples: The Cold War was less catastrophic than WW I and WW II. 26. Although the citizens of the current nuclear powers may be against the use of force against civilians, their opinions would rapidly change if they found weapons of mass destruction being used against them. 27. It takes every state that maintains a nuclear capability to abolish the existence of nuclear weapons 28. If a country has nuclear power and the technology, they will always have this capability even when they have disarmed their nuclear weapons. 29. Nuclear weapons have a restraining effect on warfare, preventing escalation through fear of their destruction. (People are afraid of the devastating consequences of the outbreak of a nuclear war) 30. States have the right to possess any weapon that will materially support their ambitions of survival and self-defense, regardless of their destructive power. 31. The damage done by a nuclear weapon is no more indiscriminate or disproportional than the damage potentially caused by a prolonged aerial bombardment. |
32. The use of nuclear weapons could kill tens of thousands of civilians directly, and their catastrophic environmental after-effects would harm many more all around the world.
33. No state or leader can be entrusted, morally, with a power and responsibility that could come close to annihilating humanity. 34. Nations opposed to a nuclear power therefore feel that they need to develop their own capability in order to protect themselves, which will lead to an increase of the number of nuclear weapons. 35. The danger of a weapon being stolen, or a nuclear base being taken over by disgruntled members of the military or other extremists, can only be ended by destroying the weapons. 36. Nuclear weapons provide the source of the greatest possible barbarity in warfare; therefore it is disingenuous to suggest that their abolishment would only exacerbate conflicts.
Exploring the universe | 37. State-sponsored space programs can utilize the infrastructure built up in the last half-century, and therefore be substantially cheaper
38. Satellites orbiting the Earth allow us to communicate instantaneously with people on different continents, and to broadcast to people all over the world. 39. Weather satellites save lives by giving advance warning of adverse conditions, and together with other scientific instruments in orbit they have helped us understand our own world better. 40. Space exploration serves as a stimulus for children to enter the fields of science and engineering 41. Space exploration leads to technological advancement 42. Mankind must always struggle to expand its horizons. The desire to know what lies beyond current knowledge, the curiosity that constantly pushes at the boundaries of our understanding, is one of our noblest characteristics. 43. Space exploration is one of the few spheres where governments have been able to put aside their differences in pursuit of something more fundamentally important to humanity. 44. The positive benefits of space exploration are innumerable and profound, and cannot be measured by money. |
45. Sending humans into space or to other planets so that they can erect the flag of a particular nation is a distinctly nationalistic act and one that is likely to create aggressive ‘races’ in the future just as it has before.
46. The vast majority of the spending on scientific research of space exploration comes through ground based research, telescopes and unmanned missions. Hence, the cost of space exploration exceeds the positive benefits 47. Instead of wasting our time and effort on macho prestige projects such as the space programme, the money should be spent on ending poverty, world hunger, or lack of education. The money spent on probes to distant planets would be better invested in the people of our own planet. 48. Satellites are largely commercial – they are launched by private companies, and are maintained by the profits which they lead to. 49. There are far cheaper, more effective methods of encouraging students towards careers in science and engineering than space exploration programs. 50. Space exploration increases the amount of information we have, but has not yet provided knowledge that is applicable and useful. 51. The instinct to explore does not promise an inevitable expansion of the boundaries of knowledge. |