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- be sick and tired of: I hate (also can’t stand)
Example: I’m sick and tired of doing nothing but work. Let’s go out tonight and have fun.
- bend over backwards: try very hard (maybe too much!)
Example: He bent over backwards to please his new wife, but she never seemed satisfied.
- bite off more than one can chew: take responsibility for more than one can manage
Example: John is so far behind in his studies. Besides classes, he plays sports and works at a part-time job. It seems he has bitten off more than he can chew.
- broke: to have no money
Example: I have to borrow some money from my Dad. Right now, I’m broke.
- change one’s mind: decide to do something different from what had been decided earlier
Example: I was planning to work late tonight, but I changed my mind. I’ll do extra work on the weekend instead.
- Cut it out!: stop doing something bad
Example: That noise is really annoying. Cut it out!
- drop someone a line: send a letter or email to someone
Example: It was good to meet you and I hope we can see each other again. Drop me a line when you have time.
- figure something out: come to understand a problem
Example: I don’t understand how to do this problem. Take a look at it. Maybe you can figure it out.
- fill in for someone: do their work while they are away
Example: While I was away from the store, my brother filled in for me.
- in ages: for a very long time
Example: Have you seen Joe recently? I haven’t seen him in ages.
- give someone a hand: help
Example: I want to move this desk to the next room. Can you give me a hand?
- hit the hay: go to bed (also hit the sack)
Example: It’s after 12 o’clock. I think it’s time to hit the hay.
- in the black: the business is making money, it is profitable
Example: Our business is really improving. We’ve been in the black all year.
- in the red: the business is losing money, it is unprofitable
Example: Business is really going poorly these days. We’ve been in the red for the past three months.
- in the nick of time: not too late, but very close!
Example: I got to the drugstore just in the nick of time. It’s a good thing because I really need this medicine!
- keep one’s chin up: remain brave and keep on trying
Example: I know things have been difficult for you recently, but keep your chin up. It will get better soon.
- know something like the back of your hand: know something very, very well
Example: If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like the back of my hand
- once in a while: sometimes, not very often
Example: Have you been to the new movie theater? No, only see movies once in a while I usually stay home and watch TV.
- sharp: exactly at a that time
Example: I’ll meet you at 9 o’clock sharp. If you’re late, we’ll be in trouble!
- sleep on it: think about something before making a decision
Example: That sounds like a good deal, but I’d like to sleep on it before I give you my final decision.
- take it easy: relax
Example: I don’t have any special plans for the summer. I think I’ll just take it easy.
- to get the ball rolling: start something, especially something big
Example: We need to get this project started as soon as possible. I’m hoping you will help me get the ball rolling.
- up to the minute: the most recent information
Example: I wish I knew more about what is happening in the capital city. We need more up to the minute news.
- Twenty four/seven: every minute of every day, all the time
Example: You can access our website 24/7. It’s very convenient!
- about to (do something): to be on the point of doing something –
Example: I was about to leave when the phone rang.
- according to (someone or something): as said or told by someone, in agreement with something, in the order of something, in proportion to something
Example: According to our teacher, there will be no class next week. We did everything according to the terms of our agreement.
- account for (something): to provide an explanation or answer for something
Example: The bad weather accounts for the fact that few people came to the meeting.
- after all: considering the fact that something happened, something that is usually assumed
Example: You don’t need to phone him. After all, he never phones you.
- as a matter of fact: actually
Example: As a matter of fact, we have been to the history museum many times. learn
- as far as: to the extent or degree of something
Example: As far as I know the movie will start in a few minutes.
- as for: with regard to, concerning
Example: As for me, I think that I will return home now.
- as if: in the same way that something would be like that
Example: The drink tastes as if it were made with orange juice.
- as long as: provided that, on condition that
Example: As long as you promise to be careful, you can borrow my car.
- as soon as: just after something
Example: When I phoned my friend as soon as I finished dinner.
- as to: with regard to, according to
Example: As to your question, I will answer it tomorrow.
- as well: in addition, also, too
Example: I plan to take a computer course this summer as well.
- as well as: in addition to
Example: Please bring your swimming suit as well as your towel.
- back and forth: backwards and forwards, first one way and then the other way
Example: The argument went back and forth before the judge made a decision.
- better off: to be in a better situation than before
Example: My friend would be better off if he sold his old car and bought a new one.
- break down (something): to divide something into parts, to separate something into simpler substances
Example: We tried to break down the problem for further study.
- break up: to separate, to divide into groups or pieces, to put an end to something
Example: Nobody wanted to break up their groups.
- by the way: incidentally
Example: By the way, could you please bring your laptop computer tomorrow.
- carry out (something): to put something into action, to accomplish something, to do something
Example: The scientist wanted to carry out several experiments before discussing the new medicine.
- come up: to happen unexpectedly
Example: I will not be able to go to the party if something else comes up.
- come up with (something): to produce or find a thought/idea/answer
Example: I tried to come up with a name for the new magazine.
- deal with (something): to be concerned with something, to take action about something
Example: We will deal with the boxes tomorrow.
- end up (doing something or going somewhere): to do something that one had not planned to do, to go somewhere one had not planned to go
Example: We ended up going to a restaurant after the movie last night.
- figure out (someone or something): to try to understand someone or something, to solve something
Example: I finally figured out how to use the new DVD player.
- fill in (something): to write words in blank spaces
Example: Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist.
- find out (something): to learn or discover something
Example: My mother is angry at me because she found out that I had quit my French class.
- first of all: the very first thing
Example: First of all we prepared the garden and then we planted the seeds.
- for good: permanently
Example: The city will close the public swimming pool for good next week.
- for sure: without doubt, certainly, surely
Example: I will go to the movie with you for sure next week.
- get back to (something): to return to something
Example: I was happy to get back to my work after my holiday.
- get into (something): to become interested or involved in something
Example: I do not want to get into an argument with my friend. We will get into the details of the plan tomorrow.
- get into (somewhere): to enter somewhere
Example: My friend wants to get into a good university. I bumped my head as I was getting into the car.
- get out of (somewhere): to leave somewhere, to escape from somewhere
Example: I want to hurry up and get out of my house.
- get rid of (something): to give or throw something away, to sell or destroy something, to make a cold or fever disappear
Example: I bought a new television set so I want to get rid of the old one.
- get through (something): to complete something, to finish something
Example: I have much reading that I must get through before tomorrow.
- go ahead: to begin to do something
Example: Let`s go ahead and start now. We can`t wait any longer.
- go on: to continue
Example: The game will probably go on for an hour after we leave.
- go over (something): to examine or review something
Example: The accountant will go over the books tomorrow. We plan to go over that question tomorrow.
- go through (something): to discuss something, to look at something, to do something
Example: The teacher decided to go through the exercise before the test.
- go with (something): to choose one thing rather than another
Example: We decided to go with the small rental car rather than the large one.
- hang out (somewhere/with someone): to spend one`s time with no great purpose, to spend leisure time with friends
Example: Recently my friend has been hanging out with a group of people who are not a good influence on him.
- have (something) to do with (something): to be about something, to be on the subject of something, to be related to something
Example: The book has something to do with cooking but I am not sure if you will like it
- hold on: to wait a minute, to stop, to wait and not hang up the phone
Example: Please hold on for a minute while I lock the window.
- in a way: to a certain extent, a little, somewhat
Example: In a way, I want to go to the new restaurant but in a way, I don`t really care.
- in case: if something should happen
Example: I will take my umbrella in case it rains.
- in common: shared together or equally, in use or ownership by all
Example: I had nothing in common with the other members of the class.
- in detail: giving all the details, item by item
Example: The saleswoman explained the new product in detail.
- in effect: for practical purposes, basically
Example: The man’s silence was in effect a way of disagreeing with the other people in the meeting.
- in fact: actually, the truth is
Example: The man has been to China before. In fact, he has been there three times.
- in favor of (someone or something): to approve or support someone or something
Example: Everybody is in favor of the new police chief. My company is not in favor of changing our holiday schedule.
- in general: in most situations or circumstances
Example: In general, most of the people in our apartment are happy with the new manager.
- in order to: for the purpose of
Example: They have decided to close down the school for the summer in order to do some major repairs.
- in other words: in a different (usually more direct) way
Example: In other words, if you do not finish the assignment by Wednesday, you will not pass the course.
- in place in the proper place or location
Example: Everything in the room was in place when we arrived for the meeting.
- in some ways: in some unspecified way or manner, by some unspecified
Example: In some ways, I know what my friend wants but in some ways, I do not.
- in terms of (something): with regard to something
Example: In terms of our agreement with the other company we were not allowed to sell the products online.
- in time: early enough
Example: I did not come home in time to meet my cousin.
- keep (someone or something) in mind: to remember and think about someone or something
Example: I told my coworkers to keep the new starting time for work in mind.
- kind of: somewhat, more or less, moderately
Example: I was kind of tired when I arrived home last night.
- look for (something): to try to find something, to hunt/search for something
Example: My friend has been looking for her credit card all morning but she couldn`t find it.
- look up (something): to search for something in a dictionary or other book
Example: I will look up my friend’s name in the telephone book. I looked up the word in the dictionary.
- make a difference: to cause a change in a situation
Example: It does not make a difference whether our boss comes to the meeting or not.
- make sense: to seem reasonable
Example: His new proposal really does make sense.
- make sure: to make certain, to establish something without a doubt
Example: I want to make sure that my friend is going to meet me tomorrow.
- more or less: somewhat, to some extent
Example: I more or less have decided to study business next year.
- no matter: regardless
Example: No matter how hard that I try, my piano teacher is never satisfied.
- not at all: certainly not
Example: I am not at all happy with my new computer.
- of course: certainly, definitely, naturally
Example: Of course you can use my car if you want to.
- on the other hand: however, in contrast, looking at the opposite side of a matter
Example: He is very intelligent but on the other hand he is very lazy and always gets low marks at school.
- on time: at the scheduled time, exactly at the correct time, punctually
Example: Our train arrived exactly on time.
- once again: again, one more time, once more
Example: I tried once again to phone my boss at his home
- open to (something): to be agreeable to learn or hear about new ideas or suggestions
Example: Most members of the class were open to the teacher’s ideas.
- pick up (something): to get or receive something
Example: I will pick up my dry cleaning tomorrow. I picked up a copy of the newspaper at the station.
- point out (someone or something): to explain or call attention to someone or something
Example: My teacher was very kind when she pointed out the mistakes that I had made.
- put out (something): to produce or make something (a product/brochure/report/CD/movie/paper)
Example: The company puts out a newsletter every month for the employees.
Học nghe mà không chú ý đến những từ vựng khó trong IELTS Listening thì quả là chẳng dễ dàng chinh phục được kỹ năng này rồi đúng không nào? Vậy nên các bạn nên nhớ dù học bất cứ một kĩ năng nào, từ vựng luôn sẽ phân theo cấp bậc từ dễ đến khó, quan trọng hơn band điểm càng cao thì từ vựng sẽ không “dễ xơi” như trước nữa. Vậy nên phải cố gắng “cày” thật nhiều và ứng dụng vào luyện tập các bộ đề thật nhiều để xem trình độ bản thân như thế nào nhé!
Chúc các bạn học thật tốt!